Belgarriff House
Belgarrow, Foxford,
Co. Mayo

The saying is often bandied about ‘’ hiding in plain sight’’, but Belgarriff
House near Foxford in Co. Mayo is a fine example of this adage. A house whose
inhabitants once dominated Foxford town now lies forgotten and shrouded by
trees and ivy. Now a ruin, this once fine
house was obliterated by the bureaucracy of the Land Commission over seventy
years ago. Still referred to in the locality as Knox’s, it is another empty
shell to add to the long list of properties occupied by this once dominant
family. The man most associated with this house, John A. Knox, was driven by
his social ambitions and lived in several fine houses during his lifetime. Some
survive today but unfortunately his last home, Belgarriff in Foxford, is an ivy
clad ruin with few distinguishable features. The social ambitions of John A.
Knox meant that he and his young family moved numerous times between the 1870’s
and 1890’s before settling in Foxford. The question must be asked, was it his
choice of wife and her exclusion by the Killala branch of the Knox family that
led to their choice of Belgarriff in Foxford as their eventual home? It is also
possible that this exclusion led to an estrangement between John and his wife
in later years. Furthermore, in the 1930’s Belgarriff was rocked by scandal, as
the once lofty position of the Knox Family did little to shield them from the
letter of the law when a family member, who was a clergyman, was jailed.
An earlier house on the site, Dove Hall shown on the 1829 to 1841 Map Copyright OSI |
The story of Belgarriff House, situated in the townland of Belgarrow, begins
in the early 18th century when the Evans family settled in Ballinrobe, in Co. Mayo.
In the 1830’s, the Evans' estate in Mayo was centred on the parish of
Killasser, in the barony of Gallen. These lands may have come into the
possession of the family following the marriage of Francis Evans to a daughter
of John Gardiner of Farmhill. They owned
lands in the townland of Belgarrow where a predecessor of Belgarriff House stood,
a house known as Dove Hall. This house situated here was leased to a Mr Strogen
in the early 19th century, Dove Hall was known to be the home of Captain Strogen who was
a member of the North Mayo Militia. After 1867, Dove Hall became known as
Belgarriff, the then home of John Locke Evans. He was in residence in
Belgarriff from July 1865 and a member of the Grand Panel of the Mayo Assizes,
by July 1868 Belgarriff is the home of John Ogle Evans. It is said that a new
house was built on the site in 1870, but I wonder if it is around 1867 that the
new house was developed and the name of the property changed with the ownership
of John Ogle Evans. This house is labelled Dove Hall on the 1st edition
Ordnance Survey map, however, a larger house named Belgarrow or Belgarriff
House, is shown on the 25-inch edition of the 1890’s map. The house was found
at the end of a long avenue that is quarter of a mile long. However, this was
never meant to be a private avenue and once continued past, Belgarriff and
linked in with another road.
Belgarrow or Belgarriff House shown on the 1897 to 1913 Map Copyright OSI |
In February 1870, it is noted that Mr. John Durkan
is retiring as the bailiff of the estate for Mr. Evans, the agent at this time
was Mr. Mc Dermott. He had recently been appointed as the agent for the estate,
he originated from Cloongee House, and his new employer was his father-in-law. By
November 1871, the estate of John Ogle Evans appeared in the Landed Estates
Court for sale, heavily indebted. It is possible that the construction of the
new house of Belgarriff indebted John Ogle Evans to such a degree that it brought
about the sale of the estate lands. Several lots were sold but the sale of the
lands at Belgarrow was adjourned. In July 1873, it was advertised in the press
that several lots of land belonging to John Ogle Evans would be offered for
sale again, Lot 7 comprised of 475 acres in Belgarrow. In June 1874, an attempt
was again made to sell lands of the Evans estate, including the lands of
Belgarrow, again the sale was adjourned with the highest bid received being in
the amount of £3,000. By the late 1890’s, the Evan’s family were still in
residence in Belgarriff, by May 1896,
an auction was held at Belgarriff House to auction furniture and the outdoor
effects of Mrs. Evans. One year later, in February 1897, Eliza Evans of
Belgarriff was charged with being drunk and disorderly. She was returning home
from Miss Sheil’s public house in the town of Foxford when she stopped at a
neighbour’s house to verbally abuse her. This drew the attention of a local
member of the constabulary and led to a court appearance. Owen Devany, a
servant in the employment of Mr. Evans, recalled that he had locked up the
doors of the ‘’ big house at Belgarriff’’ on the evening in question. He came
into town to show his employers the way home with a lantern. It is noted in
this report that Eliza’s husband was John O’ Evans, who at the time was a
feeble old gentleman. In another court appearance by Eliza in 1897, she stated
that she had married her husband in 1891. This court case related to the
seizure of a cow due to the non-payment of income tax. At this time Eliza confirmed
that there was a mortgage on the estate and that there was a receiver ‘’over
the property for the last four years’’. The cow was worth £18 but was seized
over a debt of £3, the bailiff confirmed that it was the only thing of value on
the estate. When Mr. Evans was served with the first notice for payment of the
income tax, he said he could not afford to pay it. By the time of the receipt of
the last notice, it was implied that the receiver would pay it. It was also
noted during this court appearance that the house and the lawn were still in
the possession of Evans himself, and not the Court of Chancery, however this
was later disproven. In May 1897, the demesne
of John Ogle Evans known as Belgarriff was advertised for lease by J.M. Mills,
The Receiver, Killala.
The possible entrance front of Belgarriff House, dating from 1867 to 1870 Copyright ICHC |
Between 1897 and 1901, Belgarriff House
came into the possession of John Anthony Knox. He was the son of John Knox, who died in Killala, Co. Mayo in 1874
aged 72. He is listed as being late of The Lodge in Killala, and his will was
proved by his son John Anthony Knox, also of The Lodge, Killala. John Knox
was a brother of Henry A. Knox of Palmerstown and James A. Knox of
Crosspatrick. He had resided for a time in a house known as Broadlands on the
Killala Road, however he did not own it, it was rented from the Knox Gores. John’s son and future owner of Belgarriff, John
Anthony Knox married Margaret Carroll from Ballysakeery, in Dublin in November
1875. She was the daughter of Francis Carroll who was a farmer. She was
described as an ‘’excellent’ wife but due to the strict class distinction at
the time, it was felt that John had married beneath him, therefore his wife was
not received by local society. After initially living at The Lodge in Killala
where their children were born, they moved to a nearby house, known as
Ballybrooney. On the 20th of March 1876, James Annesley Knox
was born, the son of John Anthony Knox and Margaret, the birth was registered
in Killala. This was followed by another son on the 22nd of September
1877, when Godfrey Fitzroy Knox was born. In October 1878, a daughter Harriett Adelaide Knox
was born but unfortunately, she died in February 1884, at Ballybrooney.
The Lodge, Killala, where John A. Knox lived at the time of the death of his father Copyright ICHC |
She was
aged only five and is recorded as being the daughter of a gentleman, she died
due to diphtheria. In February 1893, John A. Knox instructed Isaac
Lenehan, Auctioneer, Ballina to dispose of his effects at his residence
Ballybrooney House, Killala. It mentions in the advertisement that he is
leaving ‘’this part of the country’’. John had decided that if local society
would not accept his wife, he would move to Dublin and see if his social
ambitions would have more success. Unfortunately,
his wife failed at charming the polite society of Dublin and became a pariah on
the social circuit. Her husband’s temper ensured that he locked her out of
their house on more than one occasion in disgust. It is said that John Anthony or Johnny Knox,
as he was known, was described in the Knox family as ‘not being right in the
head’, which may account for his behaviour. When John A. Knox and his wife
Margaret did not find Dublin society very amenable to them, they returned to
Mayo and purchased Belgarriff House and estate near Foxford in Co. Mayo. As the
Killala area in the 1870’s was dominated by the Knox Family, one wonders if it
was John’s own family who would not accept Miss Carroll rather than those whom
he described as ‘’society’’. This may have influenced his decision to move to
Dublin and their eventual choice of Belgarriff in Foxford. While it was close
enough to his family based near Killala, it was also far enough away.
Ballybrooney House, Killala where John A. Knox lived until 1892 Copyright ICHC |
By the time of the 1901 census, John
A. Knox is living in Belgarriff, aged 50, with his wife Margaret, aged 45, and
their sons, James A., aged 24, and Godfrey F. aged 22. There are two female servants
resident in the house, the head of the household is John A. who lists his
profession as a Private Gentleman. The house is listed as having eight rooms,
five windows on its entrance front and is owned by John Knox rather than being
leased from the Evan’s estate. By 1903, the Knox Family were establishing
themselves at Belgarriff as Mrs. Knox had placed an advertisement in the local
press looking for a maid. In 1904, a herd of Hereford Cattle was commenced on
the estate by John A. Knox. The
Hereford’s of Belgarriff House were known throughout the country and won numerous
prizes at county shows. In 1916, it was reported in the ‘’Skibbereen Eagle’’ that
John A. Knox was in possession of a very fertile cow. She produced her first
calf in 1905, for the following six years she produced a calf each year,
followed by four years producing twin calves, after which she produced one calf
for the next three years. This amounted to 17 calves in 11 years, which John A.
was proud to boast. By 1911, John and Margaret are still in residence in
Belgarrow, however, their sons are no longer present. It is noted that they are
married 35 years and that they had three children but only two are living. In
October 1920, their son, James Annesley Knox of Belgarriff married Margaret
Emily Glover of Foxford, in the Parish Church of Toomore, Co. Mayo. It is noted
that he is the son of a gentleman, and she is the daughter of a Clerk of the
Petty Sessions.
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One of the many fireplaces of Belgarriff House Copyright ICHC |
In December 1937, John Anthony Knox
died at Belgarriff with his eldest son, James, present. His death certificate
lists his age as 89, but other records point to John A. being 87 at the time of
his death. A headstone in nearby Craggagh Cemetery notes that John A. Knox of
Belgarriff House, died 30th December 1937 aged 90. His headstone
erected by his youngest son Godfrey F. Knox. John A. Knox was a widower at the
time of his death, but no details are recorded for the earlier passing of his
wife on this headstone. However, Margaret Knox, died in Carrowhubbuck in
Enniscrone, Co. Sligo aged 78 in December 1932. Present at the time of her
death was Bessie Greer, who owned Moy Salmon Lodge also known as Orme’s Lodge
in Enniscrone. Margaret’s son Rev. Godfrey F. Knox was a clergyman in nearby Kilglass
and this would explain his mother’s presence in a lodging house in Enniscrone. In
Mullafarry Graveyard outside Killala, there is a headstone to Margaret however
it states that her place of death was at her ‘’son’s residence, The Rectory,
Enniscrone ‘’. One is under the impression that there was an estrangement in
the family between John A. and Margaret considering that they are buried in
different graveyards, miles apart. Margaret Knox, nee Carroll, obviously
returned to be buried in Mullafarry as she was originally from nearby Ballsakeery.
Godfrey was responsible for putting up headstones over the graves of his
parents, but the wording on his mother’s memorial is more affectionate than
that of his father’s. John Anthony Knox’s will was administered in London in
1938 to his son James Annesley. His estate in England amounted to £ 242.00 but
was re-sworn in the amount of £ 3,485.00.

Some surviving features of the interior of Belgarriff House
Copyright ICHC
John A’s youngest son, Reverend
Godfrey F. Knox of Kilglass Rectory was involved in unacceptable behaviour that
would result in him being jailed for six months in 1933. One of the reasons
given at the trial for his current mental state was the recent death of his
mother. In 1934, it appears that Reverend Godfrey F. Knox travelled to the US
after his release from prison. Two years later, Reverend Godfrey F. Knox
arrived in Liverpool, England in February 1936 having departed from St. John
New Brunswick in Canada. By 1939, he was living in Devon, but had adjusted the
year of his birth from 1877 to 1884, however, he left the month and date the
same as it appeared on his birth certificate,e which is the 22nd
September. Godfrey Fitzroy Knox died in the Hotel Woodburn in Torquay in April
1957, despite being named as a clergyman, his profession is listed as a clerk.
He left an estate of over £3,300 which was left to members of the Knox family
at Palmerstown, Killala.
A news report from the time of Rev. Godfrey F. Knox sentencing Copyright ICHC |
Tragedy would soon strike the
remaining members of the family in Foxford, when the eldest son of John A, James
Annesley Knox, died suddenly at Belgarriff House on 23rd December
1939, aged 63. James and his wife Margaret never had any children and Godfrey had
never married, meaning there was no generation to take over the estate. In
1949, Belgarriff House and Demesne were advertised for sale by Mrs. Knox, James
Annesley’s widow. The lands associated with the house extended to 89 acres. The
house is described as having contained on the ground floor, a drawing room,
dining room, breakfast room, hall, staircase, and back hall. On the floors
above there were four principal bedrooms and three large attic rooms. In the
rear return of the house there were storerooms, a pantry, kitchen with yard and
out offices. It was noted that the house is of ‘’ fine architecture’’ and that
the ground floor ceilings are 11ft high. It appears that the house did not sell
so in 1951, The Minister for Lands informed the Dail that the Land Commission
had instigated proceedings for the acquisition of lands in the possession of
Mrs. Margaret Knox at Belgarriff, Foxford, formerly known as the Evans estate.
Mrs. Knox objected to this acquisition, but her objection was disallowed,
possibly because she had no one to take over what remained of the estate. Margaret
Knox died on the 13th of January 1953 at Brookside, Foxford, the
widow of James Annesley Knox of Belgarriff House, she was buried with him in
nearby Craggagh Cemetery. The death of Margaret ,who had no direct descendants,
ensured the end was nearing for Belgarriff. The contents of the house were auctioned
in March 1953 which extended to a vast number of items including a baby grand
piano and a half size billiard table. In February 1954, the trees that
surrounded the house were sold on behalf of the Land Commission. Over 170 trees
were offered for sale that would produce over 250 tons of timber. In January
1953, the Land Commission offered Belgarriff House, Foxford, for sale for demolition.
In the sale advertisement, the house is simply described as a two storey,
slated dwelling house with timber windows and doors etc. The out offices and
even the sheds were also offered for demolition. One finds it hard to fathom
the actions of the Land Commission and feels they were motivated by ignorance
and vengeance. Belgarriff was a manageable size, when it was pulled down it was
described as being in perfect condition. One gentleman wanted to purchase the
house as a fishing lodge, but was thwarted by the Land Commission.
Advertisement for the sale of Belgarrriff House in 1949 Copyright ICHC |
Today the ruin of Belgarriff
endures, but one wonders for how long, as the destruction of the demolition
sale is clear. A local man told me, there
was an abundance of staff that worked in the environs of the house, including a
group of men who ensured Belgarriff was supplied with turf from a nearby bog.
This was necessary as the house had ten fireplaces that required fuel, the
house had no electricity prior to its demolition and was lit by oil lamps. It
is my assertion that the new house, Belgarriff, that was built between 1867 and
1870 incorporated a portion of the original Dove Hall. The rear return appears
to be older and does not have as fine stonework as the front section. The front
block also had internal brick walls, some of which had twisting flues
incorporated for the numerous fireplaces. The entrance front of the house is
recorded as having five windows, the front door facing Nephin. There was a wide
entrance hall which in turn led to a rear hall, where a dog leg staircase was
illuminated by a curved headed window on the half landing. Rooms either side of
the front hall included a drawing room, dining room and breakfast room, while
on the first floor there were four bedrooms. From my investigations it appears
that the ancillary area’s such as kitchens were accommodated in the rear return
that was possibly part of the earlier house, Dove Hall.
This junction shows the different phases of construction of the house. On the right we have the later 1867 block with the finer stonework, and on the left, we have the rougher earlier stonework possibly of Dove Hall. Copyright ICHC |
Apart from the ruins of Belgarriff,
there is one unique survivor from this house. A clock that once graced the
drawing room of the Foxford mansion which remains in the possession of a local
family. After the death of Margaret Knox, the clock passed to her sister, a
member of the Glover Family. After her death in 1966, the contents of her home
in Foxford were sold. Due to the poor state of the house at the time of the
auction, only a few people could be accommodated for the sale of its contents
due to the condition of the floor in the room. After the sale, the local man
who had purchased the clock was approached by Major Aldridge of Mount Falcon,
he wished to purchase the clock for multiples of the final bid of £2. His
desire to have the clock was due to it having originated from the Knox House in
Foxford known as Belgarriff. His offer was declined and today the clock is
still extant. In the rear of the clock is recorded the date it was purchased,
13th August 1887 from Ganter Brothers in Dublin. This date would
mean that the clock not only travelled to Belgarriff in Foxford with the Knox
Family, but it also spent time in Ballybrooney House near Killala, between 1884
& 1892, before their time spent in Dublin.

A clock that originated from Belgarriff House
Copyright ICHC
To end this story, I am always
amazed by the social ambitions of members of the Knox Family in Mayo in the
late 19th and early 20th century. John A. Knox was a member of a generation who
thought their lifestyle and entitlement would last forever. John A. lived
through a period of major change in the history of Ireland during which there
was intense upheaval in the lives of the landed classes. The Land War, the Land
Acts, Civil War, the foundation of the Irish State and the First World War
ensured that people like John A. Knox were cast adrift in a changed nation.
Gone were the days of the infallible landlord and their entitled families and
no longer would the name of Knox hold sway over local politics. Like most
houses of the Knox family, a few decades after John’s death, his home would be
a ruin, his immediate family all dead and their way of life consigned to
The rear hall that accommodated the staircase of Belgarriff House Copyright ICHC |